SecureCare - Option II: Medicare Advantage Local HMO Plan for Mahoning, OH Beneficiaries

SecureCare - Option II
Summary Rating:This Medicare drug plan has an average rating of 4.0
Part C Premium:
Part D Deductible:$0.00
Mail Order:No
Gap Coverage:Many Generics
Formulary Drugs:3250
Plan ID:H3672-013
Plan Year:2013
Residents of:OH Residents
Plan Type:Local HMO
Regional Members:0

Plan Summary & Benefits

Healthy SecureCare - Option II, OH Senior, Medicare Advantage (Part C) Plans SecureCare - Option II (H3672-013), Medicare Advantage Health Maintenance Organization Plan, Mahoning County, OH

SecureCare - Option II is a Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) healthcare plan for seniors with Medicare benefits residing in Mahoning County, OH. It includes all of the benefits of Original Medicare and may include prescription coverage and other extras. The primary benefit of an HMO is that the out-of-pocket costs are lower and more predictable than with other types of plans.

Please note: You must use plan providers to avoid incurring additional costs. You will be responsible for the costs of out of network care. Referrals may be required for all but primary care physician visits.

The health care benefit information provided here is an overview only and not a comprehensive description of available benefits. Additional information about the plan benefits is available from your agent.

SecureCare - Option II Monthly Premium, Mahoning County

The monthly premium for this healthcare plan is $32.00 plus your monthly Medicare Part B premium. Most Medicare Beneficiaries pay the standard monthly Part B premium in addition to their MA or MAPD plan premium. However, some beneficiaries are required to pay slightly higher Part B and Part D premiums because of their income (over $85,000 per year for singles or $170,000 for married couples), or due to late enrollment penalties.

SecureCare - Option II, Mahoning County Summary of Benefits

NOTE: As of this publication date the Summary of Benefits information for this 2013 plan was not available from CMS. Please ask your agent for the Summary of Benefits documentation.

The Part D deductible for this plan is $0.00. That means you have first dollar coverage.

SecureCare - Option II Maximum Out of Pocket (MOOP) Benefit

The new ObamaCare (Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act) law placed a mandatory maximum limit of $6,700 on all out of pocket medical costs for Medicare Advantage plans, which is referred to as the Maximum Out of Pocket or MOOP. The MOOP does not include prescriptions and monthly premiums. The Mandatory MOOP is $6,700 but the Affordable Care Act allows for a “Voluntary MOOP” of up to $3,400. This plan's MOOP is $3,400

More Information

About The Insurer The Health Plan

The summary (overall) rating for this plan is 4.0 out of 5 based on reviews from 0 user ratings from the previous year. For more information about the review process, visit

Ohio is not associated with the federal government. All plan information provided on this site is collected from public sources (e.g.,, carrier's website, plan brochures, etc.). Rates shown are for comparison purpose only. Contact your Medicare agent or for a binding quote.