Medicare Supplemental vs. Medicare Advantage Plans

tough decisionsThe following are the five choices you have when deciding on the type of coverage as a Medicare recipient:

  1. Original Medicare
  2. Medicare Advantage Plan
  3. Original Medicare+ Supplemental (Gap) Insurance
  4. Original Medicare+ Prescription Drug Plan
  5. Original Medicare+ Supplemental (Gap) Insurance + Prescription Drug Plan

Here’s another way to look at it:

 medicare decision pathway

Original Medicare (Medicare Part A + Medicare Part B)

Medicare Part A (Hospital Coverage) covers hospital inpatient care, skilled nursing facility (not custodial or long-term care), home health care, hospice care, blood transfusions, and in-patient care in a religious non-medical health care facility. Medicare Part B (Medical Insurance) covers doctors and other health care providers, outpatient care, home health care, durable medical equipment, and approved preventive services.

The majority of people over 65 years old automatically get enrolled into Medicare Parts A and B if you paid into Social Security for 10 years or more.  If you contributed for fewer than 10 years to  Social Security, then Medicare is still offered, though, at a premium fee.

Medicare Advantage Plan

A Medicare Advantage Plan is a type of Medicare health plan offered by a private company that contracts with Medicare to provide you with all your Part A and Part B benefits. Medicare pays a fixed amount for your care each month to the companies offering Medicare Advantage Plans. These companies must follow rules set by Medicare.

Medicare Advantage Plans include Health Maintenance Organizations, Preferred Provider Organizations, Private Fee-for-Service Plans, Special Needs Plans, and Medicare Medical Savings Account Plans. If you’re enrolled in a Medicare Advantage Plan, Medicare services are covered through the plan and aren’t paid for under Original Medicare.

Not all Medicare Advantage Plans work the same way, so before you join, take the time to find and compare Medicare health plans in your area. Visit the plan’s website to see if you can join online or Fill out a paper enrollment form. When you join a Medicare Advantage Plan, you’ll have to give the information that is on your Medicare card.

Though Medicare pays a fee for to the Advantage plans, each Medicare Advantage Plan can charge different out-of-pocket costs and have different rules for how you get services (like whether you need a referral to see a specialist or if you have to go to only doctors, facilities, or suppliers that belong to the plan for non-emergency or non-urgent care). These rules can change each year.

Seniors Resolutions, Are They Being Met 2019?

Medigap Medicare Supplement Insurance PoliciesAs we are approaching the beginning of March, although that doesn’t mean that the time for new beginnings has passed you by.  Revitalize those New Year Resolutions by doing a checkup on how and what you have accomplished.  We are still in the middle of first quarter of 2013.

Top 10 New Years Resolutions Seniors

  1. Become active in fellowshipping with other seniors in your faith
  2. Reach out to other seniors and make new friends
  3. Make time to visit more family and friends
  4. Eat a healthier diet
  5. Do more exercises; join a senior program like silver sneakers
  6. Get a new hobby, learn something new
  7. Help those in need – either loved ones or acquaintances who need that extra hand.
  8. Get organized
  9. Cut-out bad habits such as smoking
  10. Spend less / save more

Own Your Goals

Take ownership of your goals emotionally, mentally, psychologically and physically to make your good intentions into reality.  Let’s plan out how your want to proceed for the remaining 10 months of the year.  By taking the actions below, as an example, will help you set the tone for the rest of the year!

1.  Become Active in fellowshipping with other seniors in your faith

  1. Get to church early and stay a few minutes after to talk to others
  2. Check the bulletin to see if there are any activities you can join
  3. Join a bible group

2.  Get involved in helping out the community

  1. See if there is an active senior community center near you.
  2. Check local hospitals for senior activities that they might put together.
  3. Local Chamber of Commerces have tons of information on what is going on in the community
  4. Check calendars of events on the internet.  Your local city always has what is happening in your area.

3. Do exercises

  1. Go to a gym
  2. Walk around a local park (or mall if you live in a cold area)
  3. Senior swimming at community pool
  4. Community center to see what senior programs they offer

Do an outline like the above for each of your top 10 New Year’s Resolutions, then put them into action as you see below!

Follow Through

Using #3 above we turn your idea into reality.  Always get everything you will need together on Sunday, so it is easier for  you to follow through during the week.

  • What will you do this week?  Swim
  • How many times will you do it? twice
  • When will you do it? At 3:00pm or for those still working, after work.
  • Which days will you do it? Tuesday, and Thursday.

It’s never too late to begin or revitalize you new beginnings.  Start today and have fun!

Seniors Benefit From Facebook 101

According to Pew Research Center  Internet usage for people 65 years plus increase to 53%.  This data indicates that over half of the senior populations has jumped on board with interaction via the Internet.  The most common usage amongst seniors are social networking through email and Facebook.   The attraction among our seniors is the ability to connect or reconnect with families and friends.  Also, the ability to have interaction on a daily basis rather then waiting for visits, holidays, special engagements or  funerals.  The internet has become an amazing rejuvenation of love, family, friends and hope for our seniors as well as all age groups.

Another Study, Nielsen Norman Group also demonstrates that “Seniors (ages 65 and older) are one of the fastest growing demographics on the Web. However, our usability studies show that websites are twice as hard to use for seniors as they are for younger users.”  When looking at 13% of the population being seniors among the 17.5 million in the United States indicates that web designers will need to take a longer look at incorporating a more usable friendly design in their sites.

Health Insurance Exchanges Will Transform Market

Health insurance exchanges will change the way people buy coverage and will help millions of uninsured people get a private plan. Nearly 49 million people are uninsured in the United States, but the numbers vary dramatically by state.
Exchanges will be the most visible part of President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul law in everyday life. Open enrollment starts Oct. 1, less than 10 months away.
Some questions and answers on how the exchanges will work:
Q: What’s a health insurance exchange?
A: “Exchange” is just another word for “marketplace.” The plans sold in the new markets will start covering patients on Jan. 1, 2014. Each state will have its own exchange serving people who buy their health insurance directly, as well as a separate one for small businesses. The vast of majority of people now covered by employer plans will not see a change.
There will be three types of exchanges at the beginning: those run by states, those run by the federal government, and partnerships. Most Republican governors opposed to “Obamacare” are letting Washington run the exchanges in their states.
For consumers, the benefits should be the same no matter who runs the exchange.

Q: How will exchanges work?

A: Exchanges are supposed to have the feel of an online travel site — think Orbitz or Expedia.
Middle-class people will be able to pick from a range of private insurance plans, and most people will be eligible for help from the government to pay their premiums.
Low-income people will be steered to safety-net programs for which they might qualify. This could be a problem in states that choose not to expand their Medicaid programs under a separate part of the health care law. In that case, many low-income residents in those states would remain uninsured.

Q: How will I know if I can get help with my health insurance premiums?

A: You’ll disclose your income to the exchange at the time you apply for coverage and they’ll let you know. Only legal residents of the United States can get financial assistance.
The health care law offers sliding-scale subsidies based on income for individuals and families making up to four times the federal poverty level, about $44,700 for singles, $92,200 for a family of four.
But do yourself a favor and read the fine print because the government’s help gets skimpier as household income increases.
For example, a family of four headed by a 40-year-old making $35,000 will get a $10,742 tax credit toward an annual premium of $12,130. They’d have to pay $1,388, about 4 percent of their income, or about $115 a month.
A similar hypothetical family making $90,000 will get a much smaller tax credit, $3,580, meaning they’d have to pay $8,550 of the same $12,130 policy. That works out to more than 9 percent of their income, or about $710 a month.
The estimates were made using the nonpartisan Kaiser Family Foundation’s online calculator. Some people will also be eligible for help with their copayments.
Final note: Though it’s called a “tax credit” the government assistance goes directly to the insurer. You won’t see a check.

Q: What will the benefits look like?

A: The coverage will be more comprehensive than what’s now typically available in the individual health insurance market, dominated by bare-bones plans. It will be more like what an established, successful small business offers its employees. Premiums are likely to be higher for some people, but government assistance should mostly compensate for that.

Swimming Seniors see more benefits in their health, mental and physical well-being

imgres-3Seniors are seeing all the benefits from the healing powers of swimming.  Seniors are not only experiencing all the physical benefits, but are also benefiting from improvement in memory and mood stimulus that prevents depression.  Swimming increases brain chemicals that assist in contributing to the effectiveness of nerve cells by enhancing the production of neurotransmitters such as serotonin and endorphins.

During a brisk swim, the muscle and brain have to work together to perform a certain motion.  In turn, the neurons are activated across a specialized neuromuscular junction that is connect to the skeletal muscles.  the brain’s purpose is to use the chemical (acetylcholine) that activates the memory to enable your performance in swimming or any other exercise. Thus, creating increase of movement among the neurons also assists in regenerating neurons.

James Knierim department of neuroscience at Johns Hopkins University states that the brain has 50 percent of all neurons located in the body.  As the cerebellum initializes the timing of muscle groups, it produces the successful activities such as exercise like swimming.

In extensive stressful situations, the stress prevents the creation of new neurons, which plays a significant roll in leading to depression.  Swimming, on the other hand, stimulates the natural antidepressant neurotransmitters called endorphins and keeps the neurons reproducing and relieving stress and, in turn, elevates the mood, preventing depression.

imgres-4Additional benefits of swimming include that it is a low-impact, weightless repetitive motion which builds muscle tone from resistance and helps seniors to improve the joints and relieve pain caused by arthritis.  The continuous aerobic exercise helps to loose weight as well as increase endurance with elevating your heart and strengthening your blood pressure.  The continuous stretching forward movement helps to improve your posture.  Swimming overall improves how you view yourself, loose weight, increase your energy and overall enhances your mood.

The challenge is just making the effort and commitment to just do it.   It only takes 2-3 times a week.  You will be so happy with yourself for just following through with it.  Check with your doctor to be sure your not setting your sites to high.  First start out slow and warm up by a brisk walk around the pool and stretching.  Getting in to the pool you will initially want to hold on to the side of the pool and perform some initial leg exercises.  An example would be flutter kicks.  I also recommend using a kick board.  Set an initial goal of how many laps you will do and stick to it even if you have to stop and take a break.  However, do not over do it.  If it gets too hard; stop immediately.  Its okay to stop!  If you should at any point in time feel exhausted or get a cramp or a sharp pain; immediately get out.  I recommend to always swim with a buddy which will help you to make and follow through with your commitment and they will watch out for your overall well-being.


The Benefits of Medigap in the ObamaCare era

Medicare Donut Hole GapTurning 65 and eligible for Medicare Part A and Part B?  Medicare A and B covers 80% of total medical expenses.  The remaining 20% of medical expenses are your responsibility.  As you well know, 20% of any rising medical cost in today’s economy can be too much!

Protect yourself and your loved ones by filling in that Gap and building your own umbrella to shield yourself.  Medigap provides you the coverage beyond the original program parameters of Medicare Part A and Part By covering expenses such as deductibles and coinsurance.

There are currently 11 different Medicare supplemental plans. These plans have a different letter to identify each plan such as Plan F, G and C. Seniors often find it very confusing trying to figure out which plan is best for them.

Additionally these plans also cover expenses that will not be met by Medicare Parts A and B.  The intent on Medigap is to assist you by helping in two different ways, therefore finding the right plan is essential in building your health benefits.  First, is to lower your out of pocket expenses and cover many of the incidental costs that are part of your comprehensive health care plan.

The second is to get more health coverage.  For example more at-home services, therapies, traveling coverage in other states as well as foreign travel emergency coverage.

Medigap policies are not part of a managed care program but are Medicare approved insurance plans that are standard throughout all individual private insurance companies.   Medigap plans have been created to address the changing needs of today’s seniors.

Financial Market News for Feb 25-March 1


As it is an important election that took place in Italy, and the results will not be known until tomorrow morning. It has been the worst turnout since before WWII.  However, polls early this morning pointed to a solid victory by the party friendliest to EU reforms. Pier Luigi Bersani’s center-left Democratic

It appeared that the race was much closer.  The center-left party (which supports reforms) and the center-right party appear to be nearly even, and the third place party gathered much more support than expected. It will be very difficult to establish a coalition government when no party has a majority, and another election may be required. What’s clear is that there is significant resistance in Italy to austerity measures, and investors are concerned that the third largest economy in the EU may scale back reform measures.

Tomorrow will be a big day. The Italian election results will be one major story.

Seniors are now becoming your biggest internet competitor


Seniors becoming involved in internet marketing are no longer a rarity.  A number of factors are responsible for this phenomenon of senior marketing.

A very important driving force is the need to earn money. Many over 60′s rely on a pension, more fortunate retirees are self-funded and some may still have employment or business interests. However, with the Global Financial Crisis and its aftermath, a lot of pressure has been put on the finances of even the most fortunate senior or retiree. Lower interest rates have meant much lower returns for self-funded retirees, and with the collapse of many businesses, investments have been lost.

For the over 60 or even the over 40, employment opportunities are greatly reduced. In addition, with the advance of age comes the advance of illness and physical limitations, which adds to the reduction of opportunities. Therefore, utilising the resources of the internet becomes an attractive proposition.

Internet marketing gives seniors and retirees the chance to work from home to earn money. This means that the business can be built around the lifestyle and at a pace, to suit the senior or retiree.

Many seniors have grasped the computer/technical era with both hands. They have the time, they have the interest and are willing to learn. They have taken advantage of community courses or have become self-taught. One of the many benefits of the new learning is to keep the brain active, which, we know, is a huge plus in keeping that old Alzheimer at bay.

Many seniors entering the internet marketing arena will bring with them a multitude of skills from a lifetime of work. They need to capitalise on these skills when planning the direction of their senior internet marketing.

But where to begin?

First of all it is important not to rush out and buy different programmes, systems etc that are advertised. All this will do is create confusion, cost money and create much frustration trying to work through the different systems. With all that comes the biggest problem for newcomers, information overload.

Instead of immediately purchasing any of the make money instantly style of systems, research the free information that is available. Come to sites like this, EzineArticles or go to the Warrior Forum where there is plenty of good quality, free information. Sure there will be certain systems that will need to be purchased, but do the basic research first to learn and then to find out what system or programme to take on board. It’s all about developing an internet marketing strategy.

Affiliate marketing is probably the most popular form of internet marketing, but it is not the only way to make money online. Buying and selling physical products as well as digital products, surveys, buying and selling web sites and domain names and providing freelance services, are just some of the many avenues.

To become a senior marketer on the internet, first write down the strengths and weaknesses based on a lifetime of employment. Then, after doing the internet research into the many internet marketing options, decide which avenue is the one that suits best. Check out the programmes and opportunities that the research has highlighted.

Select one and start on the path to senior marketing and increased financial stability.

Seniors and internet marketing are not mutually exclusive!

It is a path of many frustrations and many rewards, and to all seniors, retirees, and over 60′s, take with both hands and go forth and make money.

Senior Marketing written by Irene Slade


Senior Fitness Retreat – High Age – Low Goals


Senior Fitness Retreat participants tell us the same thing time and time again:
“If only I could get on the floor to play with my grandchildren and then be able to get back up again.” “I don’t want to risk falling again, and I can’t get up by myself if I do.”

Senior Fitness Retreat weight loss goals are unique due to age-defining priorities.
Enjoyment of family, participation in favorite pastimes, and maintaining independence are high priorities. The highest of priorities seems to remain the “low profile” activities of being able to physically get up from floor level. No doubt, grandchildren can motivate Senior Fitness levels.

This pretty much tells the story of why the fastest growing population of new exercisers is flocking to take part in a Senior Fitness Retreat. Working toward retirement leaves too little time to focus on maintaining activity levels crucial in avoiding sedentary problems. Sedentary lifestyles are becoming prevalent since the advent of technology. Where does that leave you when you can’t lift and carry a grandchild?

For many, the dream of retirement has become a fleeting one. The economic downturn has caused many seniors to lose savings and the freedom of an active lifestyle. Fitness is lacking.

Return to Favorite Pastimes Like Golf

Golf – once a favorite pastime, still stands as an icon of retirement pleasure. Many seniors strive to be able to play golf again. However, balance, strength, and range of motion must be restored to make this possible. Driving ranges and putting greens offer more economical activity without paying the high cost of playing 18 holes. Nine holes are becoming even more popular. A Senior Fitness Retreat will focus on the fitness required to not only perform life’s daily living skills, but also build up a reserve necessary to play.

The Low Profile Goal from Horizontal to Vertical Position

Perhaps you are able to take this low-profile ability for granted. Perhaps you are not there yet and I do hope you never have to face crawling that long road back. To those who have come to the realization that getting down might mean finding help to get back up again there is definitely hope. Follow these Senior Fitness Retreat guidelines for progress.

Senior Fitness Retreat Training Guidelines

Agility and Stability Training – Traveling drills working both right and left in front and sidestepping patterns. Squat Work- Sitting and standing from chair level progressing from assisted to hands-free movement. Be sure to include split-stance foot placements to mimic functional work, as well as, lifting and carrying motions.

Abdominal Strength – Seated side reaches, seated lean backs, and lying on back with short-range reaching movements at different angles will build core body strength. Progress your movements from the floor with various levels of assistance from furniture before going hands-free. Utilize inflated balls for seated to recline progression.

Balance Symmetry – Train both sides of the body through non-dominant movement patterns.

Confidence and Strength of Will – Practice mental disciplines for positive self talk in overcoming fears. Learn to recognize self-defeating fears and cancel them before they cause falls and sabotage normal equilibrium.

The most general all-purpose exercise at a Senior Fitness Retreat will be wood chops because dynamic balance, strength, range of motion, and core control are gained. Consider attending a Senior Fitness Retreat where you can train for the active lifestyle you dream of.

Debra Stefan is the founder and director of “Live-In-Fitness” residential services in the Henderson area of greater Las Vegas, Nevada for weight-loss guests offering weekend fitness getaways to 30-90 day programs enabling behavioral change for a fit lifestyle. She is the first to offer a “Biggest Loser” style program outside of the institutional format. Debra is a fitness speaker/educator, group fitness instructor, personal trainer, jumprope coach, and master yoga teacher.


Debra Stefan, CFT
Founder and Director of Live-In-Fitness YouTube Channel “VegasFitness1″

Article Source: Source:

62yrs old, supplement your income with a Reverse Mortgage

imgres-1How a Reverse Mortgage Works

This loan is a federally insured “Home Equity Conversion Mortgages” (HECMs).  Provides a loan that will allow you to access your home’s equity to obtain cash for your retirement needs. Therefore, allowing you to have access and liquidly from your home without having to sell it. It is a safe and secure way for your “Golden Years” to be supplemented with income.

A Reverse Mortgage allows you to access a portion of the equity in your home to obtain tax-free cash without having to make monthly loan payments. If you’re 62 years of age or older and have sufficient home equity, you may be able to get the funds you need to:

  • Pay off your existing mortgage*
  • Make necessary home repairs or renovate your home
  • Pay off medical bills, vehicle loans or other debts
  • Fund a major purchase
  • Take a dream vacation
  • Pursue hobbies, sports and other recreational interests
  • Create a “safety net” emergency fund for unplanned expenses

Eligibility and Requirements

To be eligible for a Reverse Mortgage loan, some key requirements are:

  • Be at least 62 years of age or older
  • Live in your home as your primary residence and have sufficient equity in it
  • Be able to pay off your existing mortgage through the Reverse Mortgage
  • Live in a single family home, two-to four-unit owner-occupied home, townhouse, approved condominium unit, or certain manufactured homesYou must also meet the following conditions to obtain a Reverse Mortgage:
  • Attend a HUD-approved counseling session
  • Maintain your home according to FHA requirements*
  • Continue to pay property taxes and homeowners insurance

Benefits of a Reverse Mortgage

  • Security – government-insured loan
  • Availability – generally no income or credit score requirements
  • Peace of mind – eliminates your monthly mortgage loan payment
  • Home ownership – you maintain the exclusive title to your home
  • Predictability – repayment obligation is limited to the value of your home, provided you or your heirs decide to sell the home
  • Equity growth – you or your heirs receive any remaining equity once loan is repaid

Qualifying for a Loan

The amount you receive is based on current interest rates, the age of the youngest borrower, and the appraised value of your home (up to certain limits). In general, the older you are, the more valuable your home, and the lower your loan balance, the more money you can expect from a Reverse Mortgage.

Getting Your Money

You can get your money in a lump sum, fixed monthly payments, a line of credit that you can draw upon as needed, or a combination of these options.

Repaying the Reverse Mortgage

Repayment is not due as long as you live in the home as your primary residence, continue to pay required property taxes and homeowners insurance, and maintain the home according to FHA requirements. You or your heirs will not be required to repay more than the value of your home at the time the loan is repaid, even if your loan balance exceeds the value of your home provided you or your heirs decide to sell the home. Best of all, any remaining equity goes to you or your heirs once the loan is repaid