Seniors are now becoming your biggest internet competitor


Seniors becoming involved in internet marketing are no longer a rarity.  A number of factors are responsible for this phenomenon of senior marketing.

A very important driving force is the need to earn money. Many over 60′s rely on a pension, more fortunate retirees are self-funded and some may still have employment or business interests. However, with the Global Financial Crisis and its aftermath, a lot of pressure has been put on the finances of even the most fortunate senior or retiree. Lower interest rates have meant much lower returns for self-funded retirees, and with the collapse of many businesses, investments have been lost.

For the over 60 or even the over 40, employment opportunities are greatly reduced. In addition, with the advance of age comes the advance of illness and physical limitations, which adds to the reduction of opportunities. Therefore, utilising the resources of the internet becomes an attractive proposition.

Internet marketing gives seniors and retirees the chance to work from home to earn money. This means that the business can be built around the lifestyle and at a pace, to suit the senior or retiree.

Many seniors have grasped the computer/technical era with both hands. They have the time, they have the interest and are willing to learn. They have taken advantage of community courses or have become self-taught. One of the many benefits of the new learning is to keep the brain active, which, we know, is a huge plus in keeping that old Alzheimer at bay.

Many seniors entering the internet marketing arena will bring with them a multitude of skills from a lifetime of work. They need to capitalise on these skills when planning the direction of their senior internet marketing.

But where to begin?

First of all it is important not to rush out and buy different programmes, systems etc that are advertised. All this will do is create confusion, cost money and create much frustration trying to work through the different systems. With all that comes the biggest problem for newcomers, information overload.

Instead of immediately purchasing any of the make money instantly style of systems, research the free information that is available. Come to sites like this, EzineArticles or go to the Warrior Forum where there is plenty of good quality, free information. Sure there will be certain systems that will need to be purchased, but do the basic research first to learn and then to find out what system or programme to take on board. It’s all about developing an internet marketing strategy.

Affiliate marketing is probably the most popular form of internet marketing, but it is not the only way to make money online. Buying and selling physical products as well as digital products, surveys, buying and selling web sites and domain names and providing freelance services, are just some of the many avenues.

To become a senior marketer on the internet, first write down the strengths and weaknesses based on a lifetime of employment. Then, after doing the internet research into the many internet marketing options, decide which avenue is the one that suits best. Check out the programmes and opportunities that the research has highlighted.

Select one and start on the path to senior marketing and increased financial stability.

Seniors and internet marketing are not mutually exclusive!

It is a path of many frustrations and many rewards, and to all seniors, retirees, and over 60′s, take with both hands and go forth and make money.

Senior Marketing written by Irene Slade
