According to Pew Research Center Internet usage for people 65 years plus increase to 53%. This data indicates that over half of the senior populations has jumped on board with interaction via the Internet. The most common usage amongst seniors are social networking through email and Facebook. The attraction among our seniors is the ability to connect or reconnect with families and friends. Also, the ability to have interaction on a daily basis rather then waiting for visits, holidays, special engagements or funerals. The internet has become an amazing rejuvenation of love, family, friends and hope for our seniors as well as all age groups.
Another Study, Nielsen Norman Group also demonstrates that “Seniors (ages 65 and older) are one of the fastest growing demographics on the Web. However, our usability studies show that websites are twice as hard to use for seniors as they are for younger users.” When looking at 13% of the population being seniors among the 17.5 million in the United States indicates that web designers will need to take a longer look at incorporating a more usable friendly design in their sites.