Flu Shot Medicare Coverage

Just before flu season starts, it is time to take your flu shot. The flu shot is the best way to protect yourself and your loved ones from it. Especially for people who are 65 and older that are at high risk of having serious complications from the flu.

Did you know that Medicare Covers FLU shots ? Under Part B (Medical Insurance) , Medicare covers flu shot once per flue season so it is completely free if your doctor or other health provider (must be qualified)  accepts assignments for giving the shot.


 Important Notes:

- Flu can be caught anywhere. Your local super market or convenience store, at the park etc. Don’t wait to get the shot.

- Flu shots are given in many places, including your local pharmacy, doctor’s office and other networks. Contact them for details and if you have Medicare Advantage Plan most places should accept it. Contact your plan for more info.

- The best way to avoid the flu is to practice safe habits. Wash your hands regularly, especially in crowded places, social distancing when possible.

- When you go to a doctor office or a pharmacy, use your mask.


Related resources (from Medicare.gov)


MedicareBenefits.us is not associated with the federal government. All plan information provided on this site is collected from public sources (e.g., cms.gov, carrier's website, plan brochures, etc.). Rates shown are for comparison purpose only. Contact your Medicare agent or Medicare.gov for a binding quote.